Facebook has launched a dating service and under the slogan “dating is easy”, thereby entering the dating business.
The new features could be rolled out to all 1.3 billion users. Normally, this might seem like an inconsequential move by a social media company that has already accomplished so much. But that would miss the point entirely.
Before we look into that to know much more, let’s just look at some analysis made on the Facebook Dating Platform
This isn’t just another small feature Facebook could release and then move on to something else. It’s an intelligent leap into the future, a big idea that changes everything, you could also learn all to know about Facebook screenshot.
The Facebook Dating feature is both working on the iOS Platforms and also the Android Operating System.
Although many users have come over to ask some questions like “Is Facebook on the iPad?” due to the fact that they usually get into some faults and difficulties while trying to run and access it right on their iPad Devices.
However, Facebook Dating is working and running on the iPad, and here on RepDex, we would show you detailed methods and steps for you to use and run the Facebook Dating service featured right on your iPad.
Also, the Facebook dating feature hasn’t yet been published and made available in some countries, so you won’t be able to use the Facebook dating service on your iPad or iPhone and any other devices of your choice.
Look at the following countries; Singapore, Suriname, Uruguay, Vietnam, Brazil, Canada, Argentina, the Philippines, Malaysia, Guyana, Laos, Peru, Mexico, U.S, Paraguay, Chile, Ecuador, Columbia, Thailand and Europe.
The Available countries for Facebook dating on ipad have been listed clearly above, Anyone that isn’t residing or present in any of the countries above would not have the Facebook dating service accessible to him/her.
Facebook Dating not Working and Opening on iPad? Here’s Why
Users and Individuals saying “Facebook dating is not on iPad” aren’t speaking the facts, as a user or an individual could make use of and run the Facebook app smoothly on your iPad, still with the Facebook dating service feature available on the Facebook app installed.
However, having challenges using the Facebook dating feature on iPad isn’t because the Facebook dating service isn’t available on iPad.
Read more to follow our instructions below to make available the facebook dating on your iPad.
Reasons why Facebook Dating Service is not on your iPad
Here are some few reasons why Facebook dating is not on iPad:
The Facebooking dating feature is only accessible right on the Facebook App, and not on the Web Facebook.
- Facebook dating service would operate on any version rather than the latest version of the Facebook app.
- The Facebook dating feature is only accessible in a few selected countries, and if you don’t belong or reside in one of the few countries, the Facebook dating service won’t load on iPad.
- The Facebook App Dating service would only be available on the iPad if one is over 18 years of age.
- You can start using the Facebook dating service on your iPad if you carefully follow the steps and instructions given in this article.
How Can I Get Facebook Dating Available on My iPad?
Getting the Facebook dating feature running and available on your iPad isn’t such a hard task.
A user can begin using the Facebook dating feature on his/her iPad if the Facebook app is already installed on the iPad.
Although, it’s not like other dating apps, as you cant log onto the google play store and search up the term ” Facebook Dating” expecting an app to pop up?? nahh??
Steps to get the Facebook dating app available and running smoothly on your iPad
Follow the steps below to get the Facebook dating app available and running smoothly on your iPad😁😁:
- First off, Have a Good and Stable Internet Connection on your iPad
- Second Step, Get the Facebook app installed on your ipad device, make sure it’s updated to the latest version.
- The FaceBook dating section would then reveal itself in a tab when u hit the main menu of the latest facebook app.
- Lastly, you can create your Facebook dating profile by tapping or selecting the Dating option in other to get started with your wonderful Facebook dating experience.
Following the given steps above would help you get facebook dating on your iPad devices, so could also apply it for other devices, as the steps make work similar.
So now to the question asked, “Facebook dating is not on iPad?” I believe you have gotten your answer from reading carefully what is written above. However, here is a quick answer to that question of yours…LOL
Facebook dating is not on iPad?
ANSWER: NO, the Facebook Dating feature is fully available and operative on the iPad device as well as other mobile operating systems used. Read our full article above on RepDex and see what can make Facebook Dating Not available on your iPad.
The problem is that the dating tab doesn’t even show up under the main menu. It’s on my phone but not my iPad. So when people say the iPad doesn’t have the dating app it’s because it’s not there. I tried uninstalling it and reinstalling but it’s still not there. So how do you fix that?